Erik and Kristen were here for a visit and we loved having them home! During their stay Siena and I had a 2 day local agility trial (YGRC). It was fun to have them watch us at a trial for the first time! Siena did well earning her second Excellent Standard leg with a 1st place. Truly made her debut and did a fantastic job. No qualifying runs but I was happy with her speed, and willingness to get back in the game when certain distractions got the better of her. That same weekend Truly's brother, Teller, (Can CH SunKissed Light and Magic CD RN NA NAP OAJ NJP CCA CGC CGN ) earned his first CDX leg at the Scenic Cluster in Vermont! On July 14th six month old Zap-A-Roo Puppy Doo passed his Canine Good Citizens test with flying colors! I am so proud of him and look forward to many more achievements....he is brilliant!
A BIG, HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Truly and Zap's sister, Diva, on finishing her American Championship!! Diva is Kara's first home bred American Champion....we are so happy and proud of you guys!
This past weekend Siena and I competed at the Mayflower Corgi Agility Trial at American K9 Country. Both runs on Saturday were very nice. Our first run of the day (Ex JWW) was beautiful until I pulled Siena off a jump in the corner. Julie's words echoed in my head with your upper body while your feet continue to MOVE! Siena needs that support and I always seem to forget that (even in class yesterday ;) Her weaves were spot on though! Our next run in Ex Standard was good; however, she missed her weave entry from the A-Frame (I babysat her entry instead of trusting her) and she also popped out towards the end of the poles. I was happy with the day and enjoyed a nice BBQ at home with Bob that evening. Day 2 was AWESOME!!! We had our first Q in Ex Standard....hip, hip HOORAY! Earned a 1st place and she was 18 sec. under standard course time. Last run of the day was in Ex JWW....our first time in the "B" class. Not only did we Q but we also got 4th place (10 sec. under course time ;) We celebrated Sunday evening with a special dinner, filet mignon, and ice cream for dessert! Since it was a local trial Bob was able to attend both days and he was able to see us qualify......I loved having him there. A brag for Zap and Truly's brother Teller from the Mayflower agility trial: Teller finished his OAJ title! Congratulations to Teller and Erica they are a fantastic team! This weekend is the Yankee GRC trial. Truly will make her agility debut. I had no doubt she was ready until our awful class yesterday. She was distracted (not like her) and refused to jump the double. I took her outside and she pooped immediately....I had no idea she had to go that badly since I took her out right before Siena's class. No wonder she wasn't herself. I took her back into the ring after Zap's class and we had a great 15 minutes of jumps, tunnels and weaves. She was back to her happy, focused speedy self....whew! The best part about this coming trial is that Erik is home and will be able to come watch Siena and Truly for the first time ;-) Zap had a fantastic week. Tuesday we did a run thru for his upcoming CGC test. He did beautifully and I couldn't be prouder. His 3 minute out of sight down stay and meet and greets were particularly impressive. Our test is this Tuesday then on to attention class. Agility class with him was a ton of fun yesterday. I just love his attitude and he always makes me smile. I do have to work more on "get in" with him on my right side. I admit that I work with him on my left too much. Apollo is at "Camp Kara" getting ready for the VT cluster this weekend. We will be cheering for him in spirit since the agility trial conflicted with the VT shows. Be a good boy for Kara Apollo-Man!! Having family home is the best!