We got back to dog shows in July and it's been a blast! A recent glimpse at the August calendar makes me smile as well. EVERY weekend is filled in.
Here is a quick re-cap of our July adventures:
July 4th weekend agility trial at AK9C. Siena was side lined (felt strange not running her), but Truly stepped up and did us proud. She earned her NAJ with first place in each class!
July16~18 was Rally with Zap and Truly up in VT. What a weekend! Great friends, lovely hotel room, delicious food (thanks to my roomies!) and lots of ribbons for all! Can't wait to go back next year. Zap and I stepped in the ring for the first time together..... this boy has a very bright future. He Q'd both days in Rally novice with high scores (99 & 100) which earned 1st place on Saturday and 2nd place on Sunday! Good boy Zap-A-ROO! Truly made quick work of the advanced courses both days with scores of 98 and first place Friday and Saturday! Truly prefers agility, but she indulged me and my silly rally game. Highlight of the weekend, however, was seeing Emmie (Zap, Apollo and Truly's mom) in the veterans ring. She looked beautiful and won Best Veteran! Congratulations Kara and Emmie!! It was also wonderful to watch my friend's handsome border collie puppy in the conformation ring. Jet, the BC, picked up 2 more points towards his Championship...I believe that puts him at 5 points! Congratulations Sharon and Jet!!
July 23 & 24th~Apollo went to his first conformation shows since last fall and did very well! The first day he went Winner's Dog and Best of Winners for his first point!! The second day he took a Group 4 from the classes!! I was at a seminar that weekend so I kept getting exciting text messages from Kara as the day progressed....,,really wish I had been there to cheer him on! Thank you to Diana Mason PHA for presenting him to perfection and to Kara for sharing such a special boy with us!
Congratulations to Kara and her parents, Duane & Jean on their new Grand Champion CH SunKissed Emerald City, Casa! Check out this handsome boy at: http://www.sunkissedgoldens.com/casa.htm
Looking forward to our August shows.
Truly & Zap with their agility and rally ribbons
Emmie and Kara
Apollo home from his wonderful weekend