This past weekend he went with us as we ran our errands. He is quite the social butterfly and I admit to spoiling him in regards to the amount of toys he has accumulated. So far he has met mostly adults so we will be seeking out more kids for him to play with this week.
Here is the week in review:
Too many potty trips outside to count! Only 3 accidents.
Currently sleeping from 11pm~4:30/5:00am in his crate.
Lots of reinforcement for bringing anything to hand, free stacking, gaiting brilliantly across the kitchen, walking on a loose leash, turning and running to us (HUGE party for this!!),eye contact, down and of course outside bathroom habits. Sit is being reinforced less than standing at this point since he offers the sit a lot.
*reinforcement= click & treat, tug with a favorite toy, verbal/physical praise and or a combination of any. Zapp seems to really enjoy physical praise almost as much as treats.
Favorite games so far~ wobble board, tippy plank bang, ball thru the tunnel, tug, the recall game between 2 people (I call it puppy pinball ;) We have to watch the timing of the recall game. If played in the evening during the "puppy crazies" Zapp literally becomes air born and nearly flies over my head while I'm seated on the floor (I see agility in his future)!
Things to work on this week:
Being able to work the other dogs while he remains quite in his crate
No chewing on cords!
Introduce finger touch and click/treat hand in collar
Metal article retrieve
Our favorite Zappy trait so far is his love of snuggling his head under your chin when he's ready for a nap....melts your heart.
Looking forward to week 2.... but also wishing his puppy hood doesn't go by too fast.
patiently waiting to meet people

meet and greet begins ;-) many choices

I pick you Mr. Lobster!

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