Two boys and one girl. Miss Poppin' Purple was first and weighed in at 15.7 oz. She is beautiful and looks a lot like her mom. An hour later Mr. Lime Green (a.k.a. Apollo Jr.) was born weighing 17.5 oz. Sadly the next boy was stillborn. We named him Peter (my dad's middle name). I'm sure my dad welcomed him in heaven where they can look down on us and smile. Next came another boy, Mr. Red, he weighed 14 oz. and is always on the GO! Siena was a little unsure of the pups, but has settled in and everyone is nursing happily right now. I'm exhausted but thrilled. Kara is staying the night to help me through the first 24 hours....Thank You Kara!!

YAY!!! I am so glad to hear all are doing well. And I am sure that your Dad helped Peter on his journey over the Rainbow Bridge. I look forward to keeping up with these new little ones on your blog and I cant wait to meet these little blonde piglets! :-) Good Job Momma Siena~