Development of Puppies Week One (Days 1-7)
-90% of time spent sleeping
-10% eating
-Susceptible to heat/cold
-Instinctive reflexes: crawl, seek warmth, nurse
-They can right themselves if placed upside down
-Needs stimulation for urination/defecation
-Rapid development of central nervous system
-Needs constant care from bitch
-Rectal temperature 94-97 degrees F
-Weight should double by end of first week
Started Early Neurological Stimulation today.
It's interesting to see the different reactions between the individual pups. Mr. Red does not hold still for any of the positions! However, after a quick sponge bath (just his butt ;) he cuddled in my arms for a good 10 minutes. Silly boy!
Got some playtime and a couple of short training sessions in with Zap and Truly today. It felt good to reconnect with them and do some of our normal routine. Puppy raising is very time consuming.
Mr. Lime Green taking over the bed last night

I am in puppy love with Mr Lime Green. What a great pic. ;-)