Here you can follow the training, showing and every day antics of our beloved golden retrievers.
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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Week 2 Happenings

Development of the puppies Week 2 (Days 8-14)

~Eyes should open around days 8-10
~Ears should open around days 13-17
~ Body temperature should be around 97-99 degrees

In anticipation of their eyes opening this week I've stopped all flash photography and I'm also keeping the lights dim in the puppy room. I've kept a weight chart since day 1 and will go from weighing them daily to bi weekly. Here is their weight gain from birth date (Sun. 11/8) to last night:
Purple girl: 15.7oz to 44.8 oz
Lime Green boy: 17.5 oz to 50.2 0z
Red boy: 14 oz to 42.8 oz

Siena is spending a little more time out of the whelping box and is getting some playtime outside, which is good for her and the pups since they are gaining more than enough weight :-)

Early neurological stimulation is going well and each pup gets lots of cuddle time afterwards. I just love holding each one of them this whole experience is amazing!

Max, Truly and Zap have adjusted beautifully to all of this. I am impressed with Zap's maturity and patience and can't wait till they can all play with the puppies. Apollo is staying with Kara for a few weeks since he was at a dog show the weekend the puppies were born. I'm hyper paranoid about exposing the puppies to bad dog show germs. We miss him!!

Pinch me...I'm dreaming! I can't believe we have 3 beautiful Siena x Apollo puppies!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you are doing an amazing job:) It'll be fun to see pics once their eyes are fully open. I was sharing your latest post with my husband last night, and he loves your last line:) It's great to hear how happy you are in spite of all the hard work.
